Travel & Paris Guides

“Where I’m from, comes from wherever I go.”

— Taiye Selasi


Restaurants Near
Tourist Attractions

Not every place to eat near the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower is a tourist trap.


24 of the Best Bars

Luxe hotel bars to hidden speakeasies: Where to get a proper pour in the City of Light.


Best Bakeries
(The Infatuation)

Croissant, choux or baguette: Choose wisely at these citywide favorites.

27 of the Best Restaurants

Tastings, bistros, bakeries and more: Where to eat in one of the world's culinary hot spots.


Weekend Getaways
from Paris

Whether you seek a riverside mansion or an escape into nature, top picks for a Paris break.


25 Essential Dishes
(T Magazine)

Chefs and culinary experts determined these memorable plates around town.

4 Essential Paris ’Hoods

Skip the Latin Quarter and Saint Germain-des-Prés, for these other parts of the city.


Best Wine Bars
(The Infatuation)

The best caves à vins, bars à vins, caves à manger, and combos of all three.


The Hottest New Restaurants (The Infatuation)

Where the locals and repeat and visitors are dining at the moment.

The First Timer’s Eating Guide to Paris


Fashion & Design


Dining & Nightlife