Travel & Paris Guides
“Where I’m from, comes from wherever I go.”
— Taiye Selasi
Restaurants Near
Tourist Attractions
Not every place to eat near the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower is a tourist trap.
24 of the Best Bars
Luxe hotel bars to hidden speakeasies: Where to get a proper pour in the City of Light.
Best Bakeries
(The Infatuation)
Croissant, choux or baguette: Choose wisely at these citywide favorites.
27 of the Best Restaurants
Tastings, bistros, bakeries and more: Where to eat in one of the world's culinary hot spots.
Weekend Getaways
from Paris
Whether you seek a riverside mansion or an escape into nature, top picks for a Paris break.
25 Essential Dishes
(T Magazine)
Chefs and culinary experts determined these memorable plates around town.
4 Essential Paris ’Hoods
Skip the Latin Quarter and Saint Germain-des-Prés, for these other parts of the city.
Best Wine Bars
(The Infatuation)
The best caves à vins, bars à vins, caves à manger, and combos of all three.
The Hottest New Restaurants (The Infatuation)
Where the locals and repeat and visitors are dining at the moment.